Wilkommen, Bienvenu, Welcome... Sziasztok!

Welcome to The Lotus Position, an intermittent collection of extempore navel gazings, ponderings, whinges, whines, pontifications and diatribes.

Everything is based on a Sample of One: these are my views, my experiences... caveat lector... read the Disclaimer

The Budapest Office - Castro Bisztro, Madach ter

The Budapest Office - Castro Bisztro, Madach ter
Ponder, Scribble, Ponder (Photo Erdotahi Aron)

Friday, 31 August 2007

The Wastrel

August was a busy month, writing
Prose-poetry for the book, blogging
Random thoughts re Stuff, musing
On the unmuse-able.
Castro poured me coffee, hot
Chocolate and citrus'd soda, slaking
Thirsty thoughts with caffeine and lime.
Lightning surprised me... but then
It would. Wouldn't it?