CHUI? What does CHUI mean (apart from "leopard" in Swahili)?
Is it perhaps "Computer Human User Interface", which would be a grandiose, obscure and totally unnecessary extension of:
- HUI, Human User Interface; which only makes sense if you hyphenate it thusly, "Human-User Interface" and still overlooks what the Human-User is interfacing with), related to:
- HCI, Human Computer Interface (watch that hyphenation!); which is acceptably sensible - though how many people design interfaces for the benefit of goldfish, triffids, gorillas, etc.? No doubt itself a development of:
- MMI, Man Machine Interface; which I presume was deprecated because it appeared to neglect the needs of female computer users.
I hate such unnecessary linguistic aggrandisements!
Get a GRIP! (General Readability Interface Protocol)
By the way, the next time somebody asks me what my assessment of my own "interpersonal communications skills" is, I shall tell them that I don't know... I spend most of my time talking to trees.
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